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Privacy and cookies

Updated: 13 May 2019

The website you are visiting is developed by Secure Practice AS ( NO 919 420 197) to market and sell our own products and services.

Our basic attitude is that we want to process as little information about identifiable individuals as possible. At the same time, we want to offer relevant information and contact to those who request this, and to use deidentified data for analytics and further development of our own services.

The following applies when using our online services:


Secure Practice, under supervision by our Chief Executive Officer, is the data controller for our own websites, which we manage ourselves. Infrastructure is hosted by a third party, under a data processing agreement between Secure Practice and our data processor, which specifies how our data shall be processed and protected at this level. The agreement ensures that – along with technical measures – the data shall only be processed upon our instructions, that they shall only be processed in the EU/EEA, and that they shall only be accessed by Secure Practice employees.


Secure Practice collects deidentified information about visitors on our websites. This is done to allow us to analyze how our websites are used, so that we can develop and improve their contents and structure.

When you visit one of our websites, we store information about which pages are visited and at which time this happens, and which web browser is used. In addition, we process the IP address as required, but we only store a limited part of it for statistical purposes after making an approximate geographical lookup through using a local database.

In order to collect statistics, we primarily use an internally operated statistics tool with open source code.


The statistics tools we use store something called cookies on the device you are using. Cookies are used to identify your device aross page views, so that we can collect deidentified statistics as described above.

The video player will store cookies when you play an embedded video. Our service provider Vimeo will also store deidentified information about your nationality, duration of video play, and similar (privacy policy).

We also store our own cookie ("spid") on your device, and this is today used in relation to any download of exclusive content or when you sign up for our services (see below).

You have full access to deny websites from storing cookies on your device, see for more information (external site). Unless you do this, you have given your consent to our use of cookies. You can also activate the Do-Not-Track-setting in your web browser to partially avoid being tracked.


If you sign up for our newsletter, we will store your email address. This address will not be shared with other parties, and is only used to send you relevant communications in a limited fashion.

You can be removed from our mailing list at any time by emailing us:

Contact form

If you contact us via our contact form, we store any relevant information you input to allow us to follow up on your request.

Unless you actively specify approval of additional use of your contact information, we will not use this information for any other purpose.

Exclusive content

Some of the content on our websites can be exclusive, i.e. it requires some degree of identification of the recipient to provide access to the content. This is a marketing method which is based on users «paying» for content with their contact details. If you give us your contact details, we will in return give you access to content.

Our purpose is to follow up on potential customers, based on their expression of interest in our content. If you consent to such processing, your email address will be processed in the same ways as described for the contact form above. We will also store your contact details in our customer relations system for further follow-up.

This is why will also ask for permission to contact you as long as you are registered with contact details due to your consent in relation to accessing exclusive content. This consent can equally be withdrawn by letting us know.


Feel free to send us an email via or call us at (+47) 92 12 1337.